November 2019
We are grateful for God's blessings on our church over the years. After more than 10 years of meeting in a building on the Klassen's yard, we are thrilled that the Lord has allowed us to acquire our own property for the church.
The Lord allowed us to begin building in Fall of 2019. We dedicated the new property to God at a sod-turning ceremony on November 10, 2019 .
Our sod-turning event even made the local Mennonite paper!
Here's the plan... so let the work begin!
Cementing up in layers is the most common and economical method of building in this area. It is common to cement up a layer per day. Since it was a wetter fall than usual, we took more time in allowing the cement to dry properly.
Next, the rafters and metal roof. Then the floor: cement, cement, and more cement!
Thanks to the generosity of other churches, we were able to put in the septic system. Hooray! One step closer to being able to use the building!
"Many hands make light work." It has been a blessing that our church men are willing to lend a hand where they can. After a lot of mess-making work, the building is all cleaned up inside and out.
All cleaned up and closed in. From here, it will be mostly interior work. We are hoping to put in bathrooms soon so that we can begin to use the building for gym and other activities.
It has been a blessing to see the Lord provide funds - largely through the giving of our own little church, but also through the generosity and sacrifice of other churches.
To God be the glory!
January 2022
It's high time for an update! Despite the extra challenges of the past two years, God has blessed in a wonderful way. He has used the faithful giving of our own congregation along with the generosity of others to enable us to pick away at this project. A lot has gone on inside of these walls...
As with the foundation, all the structural elements of the building have many important details that can't afford to be overlooked. It has been a blessing to find knowledgeable workers and advisors to help.
Future sanctuary
This is the wall separating the sanctuary from the entrance.
It has been fun to see the helpfulness and enthusiasm of the entire church family.
So many decisions to make along the way: colours, textures, prices, availability, timing... But finally tile is chosen and being installed!
It is difficult to be patient when completion seems so near!
We are thankful for all God has allowed us to do to this point.
Aside from the finishing touches there remain several larger projects such as a heating/cooling system, sound system, bathroom stalls, shelving, and kitchen. Please pray with us that the Lord will provide for the completion of this project and that souls will be won and influenced as a result.